Minggu, 25 September 2016

In A Silent Way #11 - Black Cloth

“Hello?” “Hey, wear your black suit. I’ll pick you in two hours” “What happened?” “We have a funeral” “Who died?” “Did you check your email?” “Not yet” “I need you to forward what I have sent you just now. You have the others emails, right?”

Early in the morning, a mail was sent from a class president through phone. When its notification ringed, the one who received it gasped, holding their breath as they tried to believe what it said.
The ring from a phone made her awoke. Yoona was slept on the couch in her dorm after crying all night with beautiful wedding dress she wore. No one of her teammates had already woken up.
With her eyes glowing red, she reached her phone and open the mail she received.
“Mr. Song is dead, murdered in her apartment.
Jiri who happened lived in same neighborhood found his body. Gather in the park near campus this afternoon. We will attend his funeral as his student”
Really?............... Just……….. really?
“How come?” “What happened to mr. Song?” “It was burglary” “Jiri said he passed with a tall man ran like wild animal” “Is that tall man… the culprit” “Jiri said he saw a gun in his belt” “Did that man got caught” “Nah… the police is still investigating. It will take times” “Oh god, what mr. Song did so he deserve this?” “A fine man like him got murdered. It’s just not fair” “It seemed that mr. Song fought the burglar. But he got killed instead…”
Her eyes wide opened, staring at framed picture between flowers. The guy smiled in that picture; it may make other people cried, but for Yoona, it was the creepiest smile she ever saw.
Together with her classmates, she bowed in front of his incense.
An old granny cried next to her. It supposed to be his mom which he used to tell her.
When she saw the other peoples’ face, they were all cried or mourned at last. But she was the only one who didn’t know how to feel… what it was… the lost?
Deep inside her heart she cried her contentment. She could jump out of heaven bless for his dead. Yet her humanity resisted it. Deep inside her heart she felt deeply guilty.
It was just couple hours she walked out from his apartment; couple hours after she prayed for his death. Somehow she felt guilty to ask something like death to god.
Yet her other side said “HE DESERVE IT.”
“Yoona-ssi, let’s have a drink” a group of boy was calling her. It was Jiri, her classmates, sophomore, who happened to live near that guy.
“Are you okay” gently he poured alcohol on her cup.
“I’m okay” she nodded slow, and refusing his cup; showing gesture that she didn’t drink alcohol.
He drank the cup he just poured by his self. “You seemed so shocked. You seemed close to mr. Song” he poured to another cup for another person.
About five boys joined them, and made the table full. They were Jiri hangout-friends. He poured each of them a cup of alcohol.
Then Jiri started to tell how he found mr. Song body in that table.
The only one who was not listened was Yoona. There were clash inside her heart, the guilty and the gladness. She still debated it over herself.
Her expression was still dull since she came.
“Thanks god he’s dead” “… what am I saying? I’m the worst” “But he really deserve it” “No… it is just not right” “… he didn’t die from my cause” “It just a pray” “God… did he died because of my request?” “… what am I thinking? I started to gone mad”
The memory of him resurfaced on her head. Plenty of it were when he sweet talked her like jerk; dirty-flirt-ing her; and raped her as much as he wanted.
His lips, the rough way he kissed her; every part of his fingers crushed her breasts; saliva from his tongue which swept her skin to every hole she had; and his long sturdy penis which gave her a nightmare every time he stabbed it inside her vagina, giving her hard time to breathe. Even she still remembered the thickness of his semen which she used to swallow.
But… he died already. This was the end.
She back to her sense. By that time she didn’t miss the big picture of Jiri’s story. She decided to loosen her mind, and started to forget the nightmare she had with that guy bit by bit; begun by letting herself socializing with her classmates.
“I heard a gunshot. By that time I was just come from my private night lesson. Me, who lived just three doors away from him, saw a middle aged man…”Yoona joined, she listened well to Jiri’s story together with his friends; sat encircle around square table with her in facing Jiri.
“… that old man ran like he was chased by devil. I could see a magnum in his black belt. When I saw that gun, I felt he was dangerous. So I pretend not to see him; tried to not make an eye contact with him.
Then he passed me just like that.
I was curious at that time. After locked my door I walked along the hall. It was creepy that last night”
Then, Jiri took a clear glance to Yoona.
“But you know what?”
The other guys had same direction like Jiri, one by one they faced Yoona and made her somewhat uncomfortable. Their eyes were one that full of mischievous.
She simply had a bad feeling about those eyes.
“When I walked into mr.Song’s room and saw his laptop was on; thought the burglar didn’t take it since he was on panic.
Then… Yoona-ssi”
Jiri gave her his phone with a video played on it in mute. “I find something interesting” he smirked when he saw Yoona startled when she watch the video that the deadman recorded.
What a shock. Her nightmare is not end yet.
“I used to think that you’re all just a thin girl. But your body is awesome on that video” “Your nipples are cute Yoona-ssi. Let me suck it” “I got hard just to hear your moan Yoona-ssi” “Bet you enjoy being raped by Mr.Song, did you?”
“Ah, somehow I got hyped” Jiri got closer to her and had a gentle whisper to her “Yoona-ssi… I think I got erected”
Yoona felt a hand was rubbing her crotch under his black skirt.
“W-what are you doing?”
“You know what I want. Comfort me like what you did with Mr. Song… For whatever he threaten you with, trust me… I am worse”
Then between those black crowds, they dragged her to man washroom.  Jiri and Yoona came inside and the rest guarded the entrance.
He pulled down his pants and offered her an already erected cock. Yoona kneeled, agonizingly stared at Jiri’s manhood. “Suck it and don’t make loud voice”


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